Monday, September 30, 2019
Fear of the Power of Science in Frankenstein
Some readers have seen the novel as an illustration of the fear of the power of science. To what extent do you agree with this view of the novel? There are many different readings of ââ¬ËFrankensteinââ¬â¢ by Mary Shelley, first published in 1818. The traditional reading sees the novel being about a man getting punished by God for crossing his domain. Many different Gothic themes are used in the novel to create a sense of fear in the audience, not just in the fear of science but the fear of the power of science and the influence this power has on Victorââ¬â¢s character. Frankensteinââ¬â¢ serves as a warning to others of the power of science and creates a sense of fear in the audience. One of the key ways Shelley creates this fear is through the juxtaposing references to nature, helping to serve as a warning. In the midst of Chapter Four, when Victor is engrossed in his work, a paragraph is added describing the beauty and nature around him. Through describing the outside wo rld as ââ¬Ëbeautifulââ¬â¢, Victor is admitting that the world is already beautiful and by ignoring that, he is being ignorant.If Victor had left his house, maybe the beauty of the world could have lifted him out of his depression and stopped the future events. This sense of foreshadowing in the novel creates the sense of fear in the power placed in Victors hands; he knows he is wrapped up in his work ââ¬Ëneglect the scenes around meââ¬â¢, and through this unhealthy obsession is left with nothing. By adding the beauty of the summer months it further highlights how obsessive Victor had become as time speeds up and months pass within a short section of the novel. The language used in ââ¬ËFrankensteinââ¬â¢ to describe his task is interesting to note.The opposing views throughout the novel, adds the retrospective notion towards the story, as he is telling the story having learnt his lesson. ââ¬ËIf the study to which you apply yourself has a tendency to weaken your af fections and to destroy your tasteâ⬠¦ then that study is certainly unlawfulââ¬â¢. The sense that Victor has learnt from his mistake, creates the interpretation that ââ¬ËFrankensteinââ¬â¢ is a morality tale. Morality tales flourished in the 16th century and were often seen as personifications of good and evil usually involved in the struggle for a manââ¬â¢s soul. Victor, the rotagonist, can be seen as a representative of society as a whole, with Victor representing the many scientific discoveries at the time. During the 19th Century, Science was controversial as it questioned many fundamental religious beliefs such as Creation and God. Shelley uses the novel of ââ¬ËFrankensteinââ¬â¢ to address the problems with advancements in science and the fundamental consequences of those playing God, thus creating a sense of fear of the power that many were acquiring at the time. The setting is an important feature in Gothic literature and the fact that Victor has isolated himself is influential in the structure of the novel.Victor describes where he works as a ââ¬Ësolitary chamberââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëcellââ¬â¢ implying he has trapped himself there. This fuels his obsession in creating his ââ¬Ëmonsterââ¬â¢ as he has little or no contact with the outside world. The negative description of the room where he works, ââ¬Ëworkshop of filthy creationsââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëslaughter houseââ¬â¢, creates a dark and creepy atmosphere in the novel, with this use of darkness evident throughout and a key concept in Gothic Literature such as ââ¬ËDraculaââ¬â¢. The isolation he creates adds a sense of fear not only to science but a fear towards Victor as his obsession could lead to him becoming crazy.Although one could presume that a fear of science is being created, this can be argued. Many would argue that actually it is the fear of the unknown that is evident in ââ¬ËFrankensteinââ¬â¢. Victor is exploring something that no one has ever done and thus the path to his discovery, although with good intentions, is flawed. During the 19th Century, the new scientific discoveries were controversial with many going against Religion. The description used such as ââ¬Ëfire tissueââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ësizzling lightââ¬â¢ of lightning, reflects Victors experiments with conducting electricity through organisms.During the time, Johann Willhelm Ritter, had done experiments whereby he would pass electricity from metal conductors into frogââ¬â¢s legs and this is referred to in the novel. Ketterer says that Shelleyââ¬â¢s awareness and fascination with the big scientific discoveries of her day is highlighted in the 1831 version of Frankenstein, where Victor asks his father to demonstrate that lightning is electricity. The novel ââ¬ËFrankenstein; is a response to these scientific advancements acting as a warning to those playing god ââ¬ËHow dangerous is the acquirement of knowledgeââ¬â¢ creating fear in the unknown not j ust in science.Following on from the fear of the unknown, some would argue that it is also the fear of change in ââ¬ËFrankensteinââ¬â¢. Religion was a fundamental part of society and many believed that Science was a usurper to Religion and many would still believe that today. ââ¬ËIn other studies you have gone to where others have gone beforeââ¬â¢. Unlike subjects such as History, Victor believes Science is about change and therefore oversteps the boundaries of discovery; it is the reference to the sublimeness of his task that makes this more evident. ââ¬ËIn scientific pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonderââ¬â¢.The fear not only in the power of science but in the ââ¬Ëdiscoveryââ¬â¢ is clear in ââ¬ËFrankensteinââ¬â¢ with continual conflict between the two. The novel describes the ultimate consequence of those attempting to cross two of Gods domains, ââ¬Ëmanââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËGodââ¬â¢. Victor creates the monster, which challenges the advancement of technology during the industrial revolution and thus a fear of industry and scientific advancement, not necessarily the direct fear of science. The fear of the power of science is a concept that can be seen clearly in ââ¬ËFrankensteinââ¬â¢.Although, it can be argued that it is the fear of the unknown or change, the real fear is in the power of Science. Victorââ¬â¢s obsession with science allows him to feel powerful and thus make mistakes, that when retrospectively telling the story he is able to recount and acknowledge. The power placed in Victors hands when he is able to create life, is ultimately the one to be feared. Shelleyââ¬â¢s ability to subtly create fear through setting, language and structure is important in creating the fear of the power of science which is crucial in this Gothic text.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Soap in Philippines
INDUSTRY PROFILE Soap in Philippines Reference Code: 0115-0208 Publication Date: April 2011 www. datamonitor. com Datamonitor USA 245 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor New York, NY 10016 USA t: +1 212 686 7400 f: +1 212 686 2626 e: [emailà protected] com Datamonitor Europe 119 Farringdon Road London EC1R 3DA United Kingdom t: +44 20 7551 9000 f: +44 20 7675 7500 e: [emailà protected] com Datamonitor Middle East and North Africa Datamonitor PO Box 24893 Dubai, UAE t: +49 69 9754 4517 f: +49 69 9754 4900 e: [emailà protected] datamonitor. com Datamonitor Asia Pacific Level 46, 2 Park Street Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia : +61 2 8705 6900 f: +61 2 8705 6901 e: [emailà protected] com Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Market value The Philippine soap market grew by 3. 7% in 2010 to reach a value of $132. 2 million. Market value forecast In 2015, t he Philippine soap market is forecast to have a value of $156. 8 million, an increase of 18. 6% since 2010. Market volume The Philippine soap market grew by 2. 4% in 2010 to reach a volume of 93. 7 million units. Market volume forecastIn 2015, the Philippine soap market is forecast to have a volume of 103. 9 million units, an increase of 10. 9% since 2010. Market segmentation I Bar soap is the largest segment of the soap market in Philippines, accounting for 89. 6% of the market's total value. Market segmentation II Philippines accounts for 2. 3% of the Asia-Pacific soap market value. Market share Procter & Gamble Company, The is the leading player in the Philippine soap market, generating a 64. 4% share of the market's value. Market rivalry The Philippines soap market is highly concentrated with top three players accounting for 82. 2% of the total market value.Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0 208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 2 CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MARKET OVERVIEW Market definition Research highlights Market analysis MARKET VALUE MARKET VOLUME MARKET SEGMENTATION I MARKET SEGMENTATION II MARKET SHARE FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS Summary Buyer power Supplier power New entrants Substitutes Rivalry LEADING COMPANIES Procter & Gamble Company, The Colgate-Palmolive Company Unilever MARKET DISTRIBUTION MARKET FORECASTS Market value forecast Market volume forecast MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS APPENDIX Methodology Philippines ââ¬â Soap Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 2 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 26 31 35 36 36 37 38 40 40 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 3 CONTENTS Industry associations Related Datamonitor research Disclaimer ABOUT DATAMONITOR Premium Reports Summary Reports Datamonitor consulting 41 41 42 43 43 43 43 Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 4 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLESTable 1: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Table 7: Table 8: Table 9: Table 10: Table 11: Table 12: Table 13: Table 14: Table 15: Table 16: Table 17: Table 18: Table 19: Table 20: Table 21: Table 22: Table 23: Table 24: Philippines soap market value: $ million, 2006ââ¬â10(e) Philippines soap market volume: million units, 2006ââ¬â10(e) Philippines soap market segmentation I:% share, by value, 2010(e) Philippines soap market segmentation II: % share, by value, 2010(e) Philippines soap market share: % share, by value, 2010(e) Procter & Gamble Company, The: key facts Procter & Gamble Company, The: key financials ($) Procter & Gamble Company, The: key financial ratios Colgate-Palmolive Company: key facts Colgate-Palmolive Company: key financials ($) Colgate-Palmolive Company: key financial ratios Unilever: key facts Unilever: key financials ($) Unilever: key financials (â⠬) Unile ver: key financial ratios Philippines soap market distribution: % share, by value, 2010(e) Philippines soap market value forecast: $ million, 2010ââ¬â15 Philippines soap market volume forecast: million units, 2010ââ¬â15 Philippines size of population (million), 2006ââ¬â10 Philippines gdp (constant 2000 prices, $ billion), 2006ââ¬â10 Philippines gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2006ââ¬â10 Philippines inflation, 2006ââ¬â10 Philippines consumer price index (absolute), 2006ââ¬â10 Philippines exchange rate, 2006ââ¬â10 10 11 12 13 14 21 24 24 26 28 29 31 33 33 33 35 36 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 5 CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURESFigure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: Philippines soap market value: $ million, 2006ââ¬â10(e) Philippines soap market volume: million units, 2006à ¢â¬â10(e) Philippines soap market segmentation I:% share, by value, 2010(e) Philippines soap market segmentation II: % share, by value, 2010(e) Philippines soap market share: % share, by value, 2010(e) Forces driving competition in the soap market in Philippines, 2010 Drivers of buyer power in the soap market in Philippines, 2010 Drivers of supplier power in the soap market in Philippines, 2010 Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the soap market in Philippines, 2010 Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the soap market in Philippines, 2010 Drivers of degree of rivalry in the soap market in Philippines, 2010 Procter & Gamble Company, The: revenues & profitability Procter & Gamble Company, The: assets & liabilities Colgate-Palmolive Company: revenues & profitability Colgate-Palmolive Company: assets & liabilities Unilever: revenues & profitability Unilever: assets & liabilities Philippines soap market distribution: % share, by value, 2010(e) Philippines soap market value forecast: $ million, 2010ââ¬â15 Philippines soap market volume forecast: million units, 2010ââ¬â15 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 25 29 30 34 34 35 36 37 Figure 10: Figure 11: Figure 12: Figure 13: Figure 14: Figure 15: Figure 16: Figure 17: Figure 18: Figure 19: Figure 20: Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor.This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 6 MARKET OVERVIEW MARKET OVERVIEW Market definition The soap market consists of retail sales of bar soap and liquid soap. The market is valued according to retail selling price (RSP) and includes any applicable taxes. Any currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2010 annual average exchange rates. For the purpose of this report Asia-Pacific comprises Australia, China, Japan, India, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Pak istan and Taiwan. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor.This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 7 MARKET OVERVIEW Research highlights The Philippines soap market generated total revenues of $132. 2 million in 2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3. 9% for the period spanning 2006-2010. Bar soap sales proved the most lucrative for the Philippines soap market in 2010, generating total revenues of $118. 5 million, equivalent to 89. 6% of the market's overall value. The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 3. 5% for the fiveyear period 2010-2015, which is expected to lead the market to a value of $156. million by the end of 2015. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 8 MARKET OVERVIEW Market analysis The Philippines soap market grew at a steady rate during the period 2006-2010, as a result of steady sales growth in the liquid soap and bar soap categories. The overall market growth is expected to decelerate in the forthcoming five years. The Philippines soap market generated total revenues of $132. 2 million in 2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3. 9% for the period spanning 2006-2010. In comparison, the Malaysian and Thai markets grew with CAGRs of 3. 2% and 3. % respectively, over the same period, to reach respective values of $60. 7 million and $182 million in 2010. Market consumption volumes increased with a CAGR of 2. 7% between 2006 and 2010, to reach a total of 93. 7 million units in 2010. The market's volume is expected to rise to 103. 9 million units by the end of 2015, representing a CAGR of 2. 1% for the 2010-2015 period. Bar soap sales proved the most lucrative for the Philippines soap market in 2010, generating total revenues of $118. 5 million, equivalent to 89. 6% of the market's overall va lue. In comparison, sales of liquid soap generated revenues of $13. 8 million in 2010, equating to 10. % of the market's aggregate revenues. The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 3. 5% for the fiveyear period 2010-2015, which is expected to lead the market to a value of $156. 8 million by the end of 2015. Comparatively, the Malaysian and Thai markets will grow with CAGRs of 2. 6% and 2. 1% respectively, over the same period, to reach respective values of $69 million and $201. 8 million in 2015. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 9 MARKET VALUE MARKET VALUE The Philippine soap market grew by 3. 7% in 2010 to reach a value of $132. million. The compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 2006ââ¬â10 was 3. 9%. Table 1: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010(e) CAGR: 2006ââ¬â10 Source: Datamonitor Philippines soap market value: $ million, 2006ââ¬â10(e) $ million 113. 6 118. 3 122. 9 127. 5 132. 2 PHP million 5,137. 1 5,350. 2 5,557. 8 5,768. 8 5,982. 8 â⠬ million 85. 5 89. 1 92. 6 96. 1 99. 6 % Growth 4. 1 3. 9 3. 8 3. 7 3. 9% DATAMONITOR Figure 1: Philippines soap market value: $ million, 2006ââ¬â10(e) Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 10 MARKET VOLUME MARKET VOLUMEThe Philippine soap market grew by 2. 4% in 2010 to reach a volume of 93. 7 million units. The compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 2006ââ¬â10 was 2. 7%. Table 2: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010(e) CAGR: 2006ââ¬â10 Source: Datamonitor Philippines soap market volume: million units, 2006ââ¬â10(e) million units 84. 2 86. 6 89. 1 91. 5 93. 7 % Growth 2. 9 2. 9 2. 7 2. 4 2. 7% DATAMONITOR Figure 2: Philippines soap market volume: million units, 2006ââ¬â10 (e) Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 11 MARKET SEGMENTATION I MARKET SEGMENTATION IBar soap is the largest segment of the soap market in Philippines, accounting for 89. 6% of the market's total value. The liquid soap segment accounts for the remaining 10. 4% of the market. Table 3: Category Bar soap Liquid soap Total Source: Datamonitor Philippines soap market segmentation I:% share, by value, 2010(e) % Share 89. 6% 10. 4% 100% DATAMONITOR Figure 3: Philippines soap market segmentation I:% share, by value, 2010(e) Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 12 MARKET SEGMENTATION II MARKET SEGMENTATION II Philippines accounts for 2. 3% of the Asia-Pacific soap market value.Thailand accounts for a further 3. 1 % of the Asia-Pacific market. Table 4: Category Thailand Philippines Malaysia New Zealand Rest of Asia-Pacific Total Source: Datamonitor Philippines soap market segmentation II: % share, by value, 2010(e) % Share 3. 1% 2. 3% 1. 0% 0. 4% 93. 3% 100% DATAMONITOR Figure 4: Philippines soap market segmentation II: % share, by value, 2010(e) Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 13 MARKET SHARE MARKET SHARE Procter & Gamble Company, The is the leading player in the Philippine soap market, generating a 64. % share of the market's value. Colgate-Palmolive Company accounts for a further 16% of the market. Table 5: Company Procter & Gamble Company, The Colgate-Palmolive Company Unilever Others Total Source: Datamonitor Philippines soap market share: % share, by value, 2010(e) % Share 64. 4% 16. 0% 1. 9% 17. 8% 100% DATAMONITOR Figure 5: Philippines soap market share: % share, by value, 2010(e) Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 14 FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS The soap market will be analyzed taking manufacturers of soaps as players.The key buyers will be taken as distributors of soaps such as retailers, and suppliers of lye, solid fats and further inputs (e. g. water, antibacterial agents and moisturizers) used in the production of soaps as the key suppliers. Summary Figure 6: Forces driving competition in the soap market in Philippines, 2010 Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR The Philippines soap market is highly concentrated with top three players accounting for 82. 2% of the total market value. The market has the presence of leading players like Procter & Gamble Company, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever. Independent retailers are the main buyers in the Philippines soap market.Supp liers to the personal hygiene market are also weakened by the scale of market players. Suppliers of ingredients and packaging are smaller relative to manufacturers, which decreases supplier power in this market. However, suppliers provide for a diverse client base and correspondingly supplier power is assessed as moderate overall. Attempting to enter this market is precarious, with new entrants competing with numerous sophisticated companies with large scale economies. The market is well developed and many of the players sell similar products, leading to an intensely competitive environment, with players competing for the same share of the market.However, the diversity of products offered by the market players reduces rivalry to a certain degree. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 15 FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS Buyer power Figure 7: Drivers of buyer power in the soap market in Phi lippines, 2010 Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR In Philippines, the main distribution channels for the soaps are independent retailers, which account for 52. 8% of the total sales value. Retailers often occupy a position of power in the supply chain which allows them to negotiate favorable contracts with manufacturers, this enhances buyer power.Furthermore, soaps are just one of a wide range of products sold by most retailers: this reduces the importance of this product to buyers, thus increasing buyer power further. However, branding is an important way of maintaining end-user loyalty, and as a result retailers are required to stock the more popular brands, which reduce their bargaining strength and buyer power. Overall buyer power is assessed as moderate. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 16 FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS Supplier power Figure 8: Drivers of supplier power in the so ap market in Philippines, 2010 Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITORCommercial bar soaps contain sodium tallowate, sodium cocoate, sodium palmate and similar ingredients, all of which are the results of reacting solid fats (tallow, coconut oil, and palm kernel oil respectively) with lye. Therefore key suppliers to the soap market are suppliers of lye, solid fats and further inputs (e. g. water, antibacterial agents and moisturizers) used in the production of liquid soaps. Chemical suppliers often supply lye to manufacturers, and these companies are often relatively largescale and few in number, which increases supplier power. Overall, supplier power is assessed as moderate in the Philippines soap market. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 17 FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS New entrants Figure 9: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the soap market in Philippines, 2010 Source : Datamonitor DATAMONITOR There is limited product differentiation within the soap market, with the key segments consisting of bar and liquid soaps, and this coupled with weak market growth may act as a deterrent to potential new entrants. However, product variations can be achieved through the use of fragrances, and shape or design of soap bars etc. It may be possible for new entrants to achieve relative success stressing artisan production methods, e. g. handmade, natural aromatherapy soaps.Furthermore, it is important for new entrants to find a place for their products on the supermarket and drug store shelves; and as retail space is a finite resource, this means that new entrants must persuade the stores that it is worth displacing older brands to make way for a new product. Overall, the likelihood of new entrants is moderate. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 18 FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS Substitutes Figure 10: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the soap market in Philippines, 2010 Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR Substitutes to manufactured soap bars, and liquid soaps can be achieved through homemade versions of soaps. This method would allow consumers to tailor their production method with ingredients to suit their preferences.However, it is likely to be more expensive to buy ingredients separately than manufactured soaps, and the method used to produce the soap is relatively time consuming. Furthermore, the end results may also be unpredictable and would not produce the desired results compares to branded soaps. These factors are likely to limit the threat of such substitutes. Overall, the threat of substitutes is assessed as weak. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 19 FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS Rivalry Figure 11: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the soap market in Philippines, 2010 Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR The Philippines soap market is highly concentrated with top three players accounting for 82. 2% of the total market value.These companies are largely diversified, with product ranges covering markets beyond other personal care products, with leading player Colgate-Palmolive offering consumer products such as oral care, household surface, fabric care and pet nutrition products. This means that players aren't heavily reliant upon sales of soap products, which reduces the degree of rivalry to an extent. Overall, there is a moderate degree of rivalry in the Philippines soap market. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 20 LEADING COMPANIES LEADING COMPANIES Procter & Gamble Company, TheTable 6: Head office: Telephone: Local office: Telephone: Website: Financial year-end: Ticker: Stock exchange: Sour ce: company website Procter & Gamble Company, The: key facts One Procter & Gamble Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45201, USA 1 513 983 1100 Distributing Philippines Inc. , 6750 Ayala Office Tower, Makati 1226, PHI 63 2 894 39 55 www. pg. com June PG New York DATAMONITOR Procter & Gamble Company (P) is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of consumer products. The company markets more than 300 brands in over 180 countries spanning the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and Asian region. It is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio and employs about 127,000 people.P sells its products through mass merchandisers, grocery stores, membership club stores, drug stores and in high-frequency stores. P is organized into three global business units (GBUs) and a global operations group. The GBUs of the company comprise beauty and grooming, health and well-being, and household care business units. The GBUs identify common consumer needs, develop new products and build its brands. The bu siness units comprising the GBUs are aggregated into six reportable segments: beauty; grooming; health care; snacks and pet care; fabric care and home care; and baby care and family care. The beauty GBU comprises the beauty and the grooming businesses; the health and well-being GBU consists of the health care, and the snacks and pet care businesses.The household care GBU comprises the fabric care and home care as well as the baby care and family care businesses. The beauty segment includes cosmetics, deodorants, hair care, skin care, prestige fragrances and personal cleansing. The hair care sub-segment consists of conditioner, hair colorants, salon products, shampoo and styling agents. The key brands offered by the segment include Head & Shoulders, Olay, Pantene, Head and Shoulders, Aussie, Fekkai, Nioxin and Wella. The key brands offered in the Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 201 0 Page 21 LEADING COMPANIES deodorant category include Old Spice, Secret and Gillette.Personal cleansing products include brands such as Camay, Gillette, Ivory, Olay, Old spice, and Zest in the body wash category. In September 2008, the Procter & Gamble acquired NIOXIN Research Laboratories, a player in the scalp care professional haircare segment. NIOXIN offers a range of products that focus on the scalp and are distributed through salons and salon stores in more than 40 countries. In April 2009, P sold its ethnic hair care company Johnson Products to a group of investors. Johnson Products is a major player in the ethnic hair care market in Americas with a range of 30 products that includes the Gentle Treatment and Ultra Sheen brands.In the same year P sold of its global Infusium 23 hair care business to Helen of Troy, a designer, developer and worldwide marketer of personal care and household consumer products. The grooming segment comprises blades and razors, face and shave prepa ration products (such as shaving cream), electric hair removal devices and small household appliances. The key brands marketed by the grooming segment include Braun, Fusion, Gillette and Mach3. The electric hair removal devices and small home appliances are marketed under the Braun brand. The healthcare segment includes oral care, feminine care, pharmaceuticals and personal health care businesses.The oral care products are marketed worldwide under the brands Crest and Oral-B. In December 2008, Panasonic Electric Works entered into a supply agreement with P to supply its Palsonic electric toothbrush, which P introduced in the US and European markets during late 2009 under its own brand name. In pharmaceuticals and personal health, P serves the global bisphosphonates market for the treatment of osteoporosis under the Actonel brand. It leads the market in nonprescription heartburn medications and in respiratory treatments. The snacks and pet care segment markets its products under the brands lams and Pringles. In the snacks business, the company sells potato chips through its Pringles brand.The fabric care and home care segment offers a wide range of fabric care products including laundry cleaning products and fabric conditioners; and home care products, including dish care, surface cleaners and air fresheners; and batteries. The segment markets its products under Ariel, Dawn, Downy, Duracell, Gain and Tide brands. The dish care products are offered under Cascade, Dawn, Ivory, Ariel and Joy brands. The baby care and family care segment offers baby wipes, bath tissues, diapers, facial tissues and paper towels under the following brands: Bounty, Charmin and Pampers. The companyââ¬â¢s family care business primarily operates in North America.The global operations group consists of the market development organization (MDO) and global business services (GBS). The MDO comprises retail customer, trade channel and country-specific teams. It is Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 22 LEADING COMPANIES organized along five geographic regions: North America, Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe/Middle East/Africa (CEEMEA), Latin America and Asia (comprises Japan, Greater China and ASEAN/Australia/India/Korea (AAIK)). The GBS also provides technology, processes and standard data tools to support the operations of GBUs and the MDO.P also operates P Professional, a business-to-business division that serves food services, commercial cleaning, lodging and vending industries. The company's North American operation covers Canada, Puerto Rico and the US regions. P&G has a presence in every country in Western Europe. In Western Europe, the company operates about 35 manufacturing plants and markets over 100 brands. P&G's CEEMEA includes the Balkans, Central Europe North, Central Europe South, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Sub Sahara, Turkey/Caucasia and the Central Asian Republics. In Latin America, the company operates 19 manufacturing sites, 12 distribution centers and a service center in 14 countries.P's Asian operation covers China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, India, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Bangladesh. P&G operates across Western Europe. The region accounts for about a quarter of the companyââ¬â¢s total business. P&G markets over 100 brands in Europe. Some major brands marketed by the company in Europe include Pampers, Oral-B, Ariel, Always, Pantene, Mach3, Herbal Essences, Pringles, Lenor, Iams, Duracell, Olay, Head & Shoulders, Wella, Gillette, and Braun. P&G launched Fairy autodishwashing in Western Europe in FY2008. The Asia-Pacific operations of P&G are divided into three sub-regions: Asean, Australia and India (AAI), Greater China (China and Taiwan) and North Asia (Japan and Korea).However, P&G is centralizing its Asia-Pacific opera tions into a single entity to increase its focus on emerging economies. The company is expected to merge GBUs for the three regional hubs into one to improve efficiency. In February 2010, P&G launched a plant-based hair care range under the brand Nature Fusion, comprising shampoo, conditioner and leave-in conditioner. The product range consists of ingredients derived from plants known for their traditional medicinal qualities. Key Metrics Procter & Gamble generated revenues of $78. 9 billion in the financial year (FY) ended June 2010, an increase of 2. 9% over 2009. The company's net income totaled $12. 7 billion in FY2010, a decrease of 5. 2% over 2009.The beauty and grooming GBU accounted for 34. 4% of the total revenues in FY2010. Revenues from beauty and grooming GBU reached $27. 1 billion in FY2010, an increase of 3% over FY2009. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 23 L EADING COMPANIES Table 7: $ million Procter & Gamble Company, The: key financials ($) 2006 68,222. 0 8,684. 0 135,695. 0 72,787. 0 138,000 2007 74,832. 0 10,340. 0 138,014. 0 71,254. 0 138,000 2008 79,257. 0 12,075. 0 143,992. 0 74,498. 0 138,000 2009 76,694. 0 13,436. 0 134,833. 0 71,451. 0 135,000 2010 78,938. 0 12,736. 0 128,172. 0 66,733. 0 127,000Revenues Net income (loss) Total assets Total liabilities Employees Source: company filings DATAMONITOR Table 8: Ratio Procter & Gamble Company, The: key financial ratios 2006 12. 7% 20. 2% 120. 5% 69. 1% 53. 6% 8. 8% $494,362 $62,928 2007 13. 8% 9. 7% 1. 7% (2. 1%) 51. 6% 7. 6% $542,261 $74,928 2008 15. 2% 5. 9% 4. 3% 4. 6% 51. 7% 8. 6% $574,326 $87,500 2009 17. 5% (3. 2%) (6. 4%) (4. 1%) 53. 0% 9. 6% $568,104 $99,526 2010 16. 1% 2. 9% (4. 9%) (6. 6%) 52. 1% 9. 7% $621,559 $100,283 Profit margin Revenue growth Asset growth Liabilities growth Debt/asset ratio Return on assets Revenue per employee Profit per employee Source: company fil ings DATAMONITORPhilippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 24 LEADING COMPANIES Figure 12: Procter & Gamble Company, The: revenues & profitability Source: company filings DATAMONITOR Figure 13: Procter & Gamble Company, The: assets & liabilities Source: company filings DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 25 LEADING COMPANIES Colgate-Palmolive Company Table 9: Colgate-Palmolive Company: key facts 300 Park Avenue, New York City, New York 10022, USA 1 212 310 2000 1 212 310 3284 www. colgate. om December CL New York DATAMONITOR Head office: Telephone: Fax: Website: Financial year-end: Ticker: Stock exchange: Source: company website Colgate-Palmolive Company (Colgate) engages in the manufacture and marketing of a wide range of consumer products such as toothpastes, toothbrushes, detergents, shower gels, conditioners, shampoos, cleansers, bleaches and pet foods. The company markets its products in over 200 countries and territories throughout the world. It is headquartered in New York, the US and employs around 39,200 people. Colgate owns more than 80 brands across various product categories such as oral care, personal care, home care and pet nutrition.The principal global and regional trademarks owned by the company include Colgate, Palmolive, Mennen, Speed Stick, Lady Speed Stick, Softsoap, Irish Spring, Protex, Sorriso, Kolynos, Elmex, Tomââ¬â¢s of Maine, Ajax, Axion, Fabuloso, Soupline, Suavitel, Hillââ¬â¢s Science Diet and Hillââ¬â¢s Prescription Diet. The company operates in two product segments: oral, personal and home care; and pet nutrition. The oral, personal and home care segment operates through four geographic divisions: North America, Latin America, Europe/South Pacific and Greater Asia/Africa, which sell to a variety of retail and wholesale customers and distributors. The oral care business of Colgate includes products such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, oral rinses and dental floss, and pharmaceutical products for dentists and other oral health professionals.The company offers a wide variety of toothpaste, which includes plaque and gingivitis prevention toothpaste, long lasting fresh breath toothpaste, tartar control toothpaste, baking soda and peroxide toothpaste, cavity protection toothpaste, and sensitivity relief toothpaste under the Colgate brand. The company also provides two types of toothbrushes: conventional and electric toothbrushes. The conventional toothbrushes include whole mouth clean toothbrush, fresh breath toothbrush, flexible head toothbrush Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 26 LEADING COMPANIES nd deep cleaning toothbrush. The company markets toothpastes under Colgate To tal and Colgate Max Fresh brands; manual toothbrushes under the Colgate 360à ° brand name; and oral rinses under Colgate and Colgate Plax brand names. The personal care business in the US offers shower gels, bar soaps, deodorants, antiperspirants, men's toiletries and liquid hand soaps. Outside the US, the business also offers shampoos and conditioners under the brands Palmolive and Caprice. Colgate markets shower gels through Palmolive and Softsoap brands; bar soaps under Palmolive, Irish Spring and Protex brands; and deodorants and antiperspirants under Speed Stick and Lady Speed Stick brands.The deodorants offered by Colgate comprise gel, stick, fragrance, and antiperspirant/deodorants. The body wash product line includes advanced moisture body wash, nourishing body wash, and fragrance body wash products. The liquid hand soaps consist of antibacterial soap, foaming hand soap, kitchen soap, moisturizing soap, fragrance soap, and decor soap. The bar soap products offering include deodorant protection bar soap, antibacterial bar soap, invigorating bar soap, moisturizing bar soap, and exfoliating bar soap. The men's toiletries include shaving cream, lotion after shave, after shave, splash on after shave, and moisturizing after shave.The home care business manufactures and markets dishwashing liquids, fabric conditioners and household cleaners. Colgate offers a wide variety of dishwashing products under Palmolive, Axion and Ajax brands. The product offering includes hand dishwashing, sensitive skin, antibacterial, oxy cleaning agents, automatic dishwashers, original formula, fruit scent, and floral scent and natural scent dishwashing products. Colgate markets these products under Ajax, Splash, Spring Sensation, and Oxy Plus brands. The fabric conditioner products comprise liquid fabric conditioners, dryer sheets, dark colours formula, floral scent, natural scent, and baby powder scent.The household cleaners are marketed under Fabuloso and Ajax brands and includ e wood cleaner, floor cleaner, all purpose cleaner, powder cleanser, spray formula, pre moistened wipes, and fruit scented products. The pet nutrition segment operates through Hill's pet nutrition brand, which is sold principally through the veterinary professionals and specialty pet retailers. The company supplies specialty pet nutrition products for dogs and cats in over 95 countries. Hill's markets pet foods primarily under two trademarks: Science Diet and Prescription Diet. Science Diet products are sold by authorized pet supply retailers and veterinarians for everyday nutritional needs. The Prescription Diet includes therapeutic products sold by veterinarians which enable them to manage disease conditions in dogs and cats by improving nutrition value in food intake.In the US, Colgate has its manufacturing and warehousing facilities used by the oral, personal and home care segment business in Morristown, New Jersey; Morristown, Tennessee; and Cambridge, Ohio. The pet nutrition s egment has major facilities in Bowling Green, Kentucky; Topeka, Kansas; Commerce, California; and Richmond, Indiana. The primary research centre for oral, personal and home care Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 27 LEADING COMPANIES products is located in Piscataway, New Jersey and the primary research centre for pet nutrition products is located in Topeka, Kansas. Piscataway, New Jersey also serves as the companyââ¬â¢s global data centre.Outside the US, Colgate operates manufacturing facilities for the oral, personal and home care segment in Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Italy, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, Thailand, Venezuela, Vietnam and elsewhere throughout the world. Colgate offers shampoos, bath and shower gels, hand soaps and liquid soaps, as well as shaving products in the personal care segment. The bath and shower gels are marketed under the brand s such as Palmolive Naturals, Palmolive Aroma, and Palmolive Thermal. Shampoos and liquid hand soaps are marketed under the Palmolive Naturals brand, and soaps under Palmolive Naturals and Palmolive Aroma brands.The company markets its hair care product under Palmolive Halo brand name. Key Metrics Colgate-Palmolive Company generated revenues of $15. 6 billion in the financial year (FY) ended December 2010, an increase of 1. 5% over FY2009. The company's net income totaled $2. 2 billion in FY2010, a decrease of 3. 8% over FY2009. The oral, personal and home care segment recorded revenues of $13. 5 billion in FY2010, an increase of 2. 2% over FY2009. Greater Asia/Africa accounted for 22. 2% of the total revenues of the oral, personal and home care segment in FY2010. Revenues from Greater Asia/Africa reached $3 billion in FY2010, an increase of 12. 9% over FY2009.Table 10: $ million Colgate-Palmolive Company: key financials ($) 2006 12,237. 7 1,353. 4 9,138. 0 7,727. 1 34,700 2007 13,7 89. 7 1,737. 4 10,112. 0 7,825. 8 36,000 2008 15,329. 9 1,957. 2 9,979. 3 7,935. 0 36,600 2009 15,327. 0 2,291. 0 11,134. 0 7,877. 0 38,100 2010 15,564. 0 2,203. 0 11,172. 0 8,355. 0 39,200 Revenues Net income (loss) Total assets Total liabilities Employees Source: company filings DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 28 LEADING COMPANIES Table 11: Ratio Colgate-Palmolive Company: key financial ratios 2006 11. 1% 7. 4% 7. 4% 8. 0% 84. 6% 15. % $352,671 $39,003 2007 12. 6% 12. 7% 10. 7% 1. 3% 77. 4% 18. 1% $383,047 $48,261 2008 12. 8% 11. 2% (1. 3%) 1. 4% 79. 5% 19. 5% $418,850 $53,475 2009 14. 9% N. M 11. 6% (0. 7%) 70. 7% 21. 7% $402,283 $60,131 2010 14. 2% 1. 5% 0. 3% 6. 1% 74. 8% 19. 8% $397,041 $56,199 Profit margin Revenue growth Asset growth Liabilities growth Debt/asset ratio Return on assets Revenue per employee Profit per employee Source: company filings D ATAMONITOR Figure 14: Colgate-Palmolive Company: revenues & profitability Source: company filings DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 29LEADING COMPANIES Figure 15: Colgate-Palmolive Company: assets & liabilities Source: company filings DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 30 LEADING COMPANIES Unilever Table 12: Unilever: key facts Unilever House, 100 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DY, GBR 44 20 7822 5252 44 20 7822 5951 www. unilever. com December UL New York DATAMONITOR Head office: Telephone: Fax: Website: Financial year-end: Ticker: Stock exchange: Source: company website Unilever is a global manufacturer and marketer of consumer goods in the food, personal and homecare segments.Unilever operates under a dual structure. The group has two parent companies: Unilever NV and Unilever plc. Unilever NV is a public limited company registered in the Netherlands, while Unilever plc is a public limited company registered in the UK and Wales. The two parent companies, Unilever NV and Unilever plc, along with the group companies, operate as a single economic entity: Unilever. It operates through subsidiaries in Germany, Switzerland, France, the UK, the US, and China and has operations in over 170 countries. The group's primary operating segments comprises three geographic regions: Asia, Africa, Central and Eastern Europe; the Americas; and Western Europe.Although Unilever's operations are managed on a geographical basis, the group manages its products under four categories: savoury, dressings and spreads; ice cream and beverages; personal care; and home care and other operations. These categories are Unileverââ¬â¢s principal product areas. The savoury, dressings and spreads product category includes products like soups, bou illons, sauces, snacks, mayonnaise, salad dressings, olive oil, margarines, spreads and cooking products such as liquid margarines, and frozen food products. Unilever's major brands in this segment includes: Knorr, Hellmann's, Becel/Flora (Healthy Heart), Rama/Blue Band (Family Goodness), Calve, Wish-Bone, Amora, Ragu and Bertolli.The company markets its frozen food products under Findus, Sagit, Cogesal and Iglo brand names among others. The ice cream and beverages product category includes sales of ice cream, tea-based beverages, weight management products, and nutritionally enhanced staples sold in developing markets. Unilever's major brands in ice cream are sold under the international Heart brand which includes Cornetto, Magnum, Carte Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 31 LEADING COMPANIES dââ¬â¢Or and Solero, Wallââ¬â¢s, Kibon, Algida and Ola. Its tea-based bever age brands include Lipton, Brooke Bond and PG Tips.In addition, Unilever has weight management products such as Slim Fast, and nutritionally enhanced products include Annapurna and AdeS brands. The personal care product category offers skin care, facial care and hair care products; deodorants and anti-perspirants; and oral care products. The company offers six global brands which are the core of company's business in the mass skin care, daily hair care and deodorants product areas that includes Dove, Lux, Rexona (including Sure and Degree), Sunsilk (including Seda/Sedal), Axe/Lynx and Pondââ¬â¢s. Other key brands include Suave, Clear, Lifebuoy and Vaseline, along with Signal and Close Up in the oral care category.In December 2010, the company acquired the personal care business of the Sara Lee Corporation, which was announced in September 2009. The Sara Lee brand includes Sanex, Radox and Duschdas. Home care and other operations include household products, such as laundry tablets , powders and liquids, soap bars and cleaning products. Unilever's global brands in home care products include Cif, Comfort, Domestos, Omo, Radiant, Surf and Sunlight brands. Other brands marketed by this segment include Omo Surf, Comfort, Radiant and Skip. During late 2008, Unilever further expanded its household and personal hygiene portfolio by acquiring Cosmivoire, a Cote d'Ivoire-based manufacturer and supplier of food, household, and personal hygiene products.Unilever also announced plans to expand its Asia Pacific operations within home care division. In line with this, Unilever Sri Lanka made an offer to acquire the trademark of Wonderlight Consumer Products Company, in February 2009. Wonderlight Consumer Products Company is a Sri Lankan-based manufacturer of laundry soaps, baby soap, herbal soap, toilet soap, washing powder, scouring powder, and dish powder. Key Metrics Unilever generated revenues of $58. 6 billion in the financial year (FY) ended December 2010, an increase of 11. 1% as compared to 2009. The company's net income reached $5. 6 billion in FY2010, an increase of 25. 9% over FY2009. Unileverââ¬â¢s personal care division recorded revenues of $18. billion in FY2010, an increase of 16. 2% over FY2009. Asia, Africa and Central & Eastern Europe, Unilever's largest geographical market, accounted for 40% of the total revenues in FY2010. Revenues from Asia, Africa and Central & Eastern Europe reached $23. 4 billion in FY2010, an increase of 18. 7% over FY2009. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 32 LEADING COMPANIES Table 13: $ million Unilever: key financials ($) 2006 52,514. 3 6,285. 8 49,109. 8 33,647. 7 179,000 2007 53,236. 3 5,150. 5 49,414. 5 32,433. 0 174,000 2008 53,681. 4 6,659. 3 47,877. 8 34,137. 9 174,000 2009 52,754. 4,464. 3 49,035. 6 32,429. 0 163,000 2010 58,634. 5 5,622. 1 54,534. 5 34,560. 5 167,000 Revenues Net incom e (loss) Total assets Total liabilities Employees Source: company filings DATAMONITOR Table 14: â⠬ million Unilever: key financials (â⠬) 2006 39,642. 0 4,745. 0 37,072. 0 25,400. 0 2007 40,187. 0 3,888. 0 37,302. 0 24,483. 0 2008 40,523. 0 5,027. 0 36,142. 0 25,770. 0 2009 39,823. 0 3,370. 0 37,016. 0 24,480. 0 2010 44,262. 0 4,244. 0 41,167. 0 26,089. 0 Revenues Net income (loss) Total assets Total liabilities Source: company filings DATAMONITOR Table 15: Ratio Unilever: key financial ratios 2006 12. 0% 3. 2% (6. 1%) (17. 4%) 68. 5% 12. % $293,376 $35,116 2007 9. 7% 1. 4% 0. 6% (3. 6%) 65. 6% 10. 5% $305,956 $29,601 2008 12. 4% 0. 8% (3. 1%) 5. 3% 71. 3% 13. 7% $308,514 $38,272 2009 8. 5% (1. 7%) 2. 4% (5. 0%) 66. 1% 9. 2% $323,645 $27,388 2010 9. 6% 11. 1% 11. 2% 6. 6% 63. 4% 10. 9% $351,105 $33,665 Profit margin Revenue growth Asset growth Liabilities growth Debt/asset ratio Return on assets Revenue per employee Profit per employee Source: company filings DATAMONITOR Ph ilippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 33 LEADING COMPANIES Figure 16: Unilever: revenues & profitability Source: company filings DATAMONITORFigure 17: Unilever: assets & liabilities Source: company filings DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 34 DISTRIBUTION MARKET DISTRIBUTION Independent Retailers form the leading distribution channel in the Philippine soap market, accounting for a 52. 8% share of the total market's value. Specialist Retailers accounts for a further 14. 4% of the market. Table 16: Channel Independent Retailers Specialist Retailers Supermarkets / hypermarkets Others Total Source: Datamonitor Philippines soap market distribution: % share, by value, 2010(e) % Share 52. 8% 14. 4% 14. 4% 18. 5% 100% DATAMONITORFigure 18: Philippines soap market d istribution: % share, by value, 2010(e) Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 35 MARKET FORECASTS MARKET FORECASTS Market value forecast In 2015, the Philippine soap market is forecast to have a value of $156. 8 million, an increase of 18. 6% since 2010. The compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 2010ââ¬â15 is predicted to be 3. 5%. Table 17: Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 CAGR: 2010ââ¬â15 Source: Datamonitor Philippines soap market value forecast: $ million, 2010ââ¬â15 $ million 132. 2 137. 0 141. 9 146. 8 151. 7 156. PHP million 5,982. 8 6,199. 1 6,417. 5 6,639. 2 6,862. 1 7,092. 5 â⠬ million 99. 6 103. 2 106. 9 110. 6 114. 3 118. 1 % Growth 3. 7% 3. 6% 3. 5% 3. 5% 3. 4% 3. 4% 3. 5% DATAMONITOR Figure 19: Philippines soap market value forecast: $ million, 2010ââ¬â15 Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR Phil ippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 36 MARKET FORECASTS Market volume forecast In 2015, the Philippine soap market is forecast to have a volume of 103. 9 million units, an increase of 10. 9% since 2010. The compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 2010ââ¬â15 is predicted to be 2. 1%.Table 18: Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 CAGR: 2010ââ¬â15 Source: Datamonitor Philippines soap market volume forecast: million units, 2010ââ¬â15 million units 93. 7 96. 0 98. 1 100. 1 102. 0 103. 9 % Growth 2. 4% 2. 5% 2. 2% 2. 0% 1. 9% 1. 9% 2. 1% DATAMONITOR Figure 20: Philippines soap market volume forecast: million units, 2010ââ¬â15 Source: Datamonitor DATAMONITOR Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 37 MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS Ta ble 19: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010(e) Source: Datamonitor Philippines size of population (million), 2006ââ¬â10 Population (million) 86. 0 87. 6 89. 3 91. 0 92. 7 % Growth 2. 0% 1. 9% 1. 9% 1. 9% 1. 9% DATAMONITOR Table 20: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010(e)Philippines gdp (constant 2000 prices, $ billion), 2006ââ¬â10 Constant 2000 Prices, $ billion 99. 2 106. 2 110. 2 111. 3 119. 2 % Growth 5. 4% 7. 1% 3. 7% 1. 1% 7. 1% DATAMONITOR Source: Datamonitor Table 21: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010(e) Philippines gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2006ââ¬â10 Current Prices, $ billion 117. 8 144. 3 170. 2 165. 2 183. 6 % Growth 20. 2% 22. 5% 18. 0% (3. 0%) 11. 2% DATAMONITOR Source: Datamonitor Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 38 MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS Table 22: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010(e) Philippines inflation, 2006ââ¬â10 Inflation Rate (%) 6. % 2. 8% 9. 3% 3. 2% 3. 8% DATAMONITOR Source: Datamonitor Table 23: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010(e) Philippines consumer price index (absolute), 2006ââ¬â10 Consumer Price Index (2000 = 100) 137. 9 141. 8 155. 0 159. 9 166. 0 DATAMONITOR Source: Datamonitor Table 24: Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Philippines exchange rate, 2006ââ¬â10 Exchange rate ($/PHP) 51. 4087 46. 2140 44. 5728 47. 7318 45. 2396 Exchange rate (â⠬/PHP) 64. 5003 63. 2358 65. 2211 66. 5482 60. 0503 DATAMONITOR Source: Datamonitor Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 39 APPENDIX APPENDIX MethodologyDatamonitor Industry Profiles draw on extensive primary and secondary research, all aggregated, analyzed, cross-checked and presented in a consistent and accessible style. Review of in-house databases ââ¬â Created using 250,000+ industry interviews and consumer surveys and supported by analysis from industry exp erts using highly complex modeling & forecasting tools, Datamonitorââ¬â¢s in-house databases provide the foundation for all related industry profiles Preparatory research ââ¬â We also maintain extensive in-house databases of news, analyst commentary, company profiles and macroeconomic & demographic information, which enable our researchers to build an accurate market overview Definitions ââ¬â Market definitions are standardized to allow comparison from country to country.The parameters of each definition are carefully reviewed at the start of the research process to ensure they match the requirements of both the market and our clients Extensive secondary research activities ensure we are always fully up-to-date with the latest industry events and trends Datamonitor aggregates and analyzes a number of secondary information sources, including: National/Governmental statistics International data (official international sources) National and International trade associations B roker and analyst reports Company Annual Reports Business information libraries and databases Modeling & forecasting tools ââ¬â Datamonitor has developed powerful tools that allow quantitative and qualitative data to be combined with related macroeconomic and demographic drivers to create market models and forecasts, which can then be refined according to specific competitive, regulatory and emand-related factors Continuous quality control ensures that our processes and profiles remain focused, accurate and up-to-date Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 40 APPENDIX Industry associations International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products Square Marie-Louise 49, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel. : 32 2 230 8371 Fax: 32 2 230 8288 www. aise-net. org Related Datamonitor research Industry profiles Soap in Malaysia Soap in Thailand Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 41 APPENDIX DisclaimerAll Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher, Datamonitor plc. The facts of this report are believed to be correct at the time of publication but cannot be guaranteed. Please note that the findings, conclusions and recommendations that Datamonitor delivers will be based on information gathered in good faith from both primary and secondary sources, whose accuracy we are not always in a position to guarantee. As such Datamonitor can accept no liability hatever for actions taken based on any information that may subsequently prove to be incorrect. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocop ied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 42 ABOUT DATAMONITOR ABOUT DATAMONITOR The Datamonitor Group is a world-leading provider of premium global business information, delivering independent data, analysis and opinion across the Automotive, Consumer Markets, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Logistics & Express, Pharmaceutical & Healthcare, Retail, Technology and Telecoms industries. Combining our industry knowledge and experience, we assist over 6,000 of the worldââ¬â¢s leading companies in making better strategic and operational decisions.Delivered online via our user-friendly web platforms, our market intelligence products and services ensure that you will achieve your desired commercial goals by giving you the insight you need to best respond to your competitive environment. Premium Reports Datamonitor's premium reports are based on primary research with industry panels and consumers. We gather information on market segmentation, market growth and pricing, competitor s and products. Our experts then interpret this data to produce detailed forecasts and actionable recommendations, helping you create new business opportunities and ideas. Summary Reports Our series of company, industry and country profiles complements our premium products, providing top-level information on 30,000 companies, 3,000 industries and 100 countries.While they do not contain the highly detailed breakdowns found in premium reports, profiles give you the most important qualitative and quantitative summary information you need ââ¬â including predictions and forecasts. Datamonitor consulting We hope that the data and analysis in this profile will help you make informed and imaginative business decisions. If you have further requirements, Datamonitorââ¬â¢s consulting team may be able to help you. For more information about Datamonitorââ¬â¢s consulting capabilities, please contact us directly at [emailà protected] com. Philippines ââ¬â Soap à © Datamonitor. Thi s profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied 0115 ââ¬â 0208 ââ¬â 2010 Page 43
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Controversial Health Information Management Issues Essay
Controversial Health Information Management Issues - Essay Example The HIPAA Privacy Rule makes sure those minimum standards for protecting the privacy of individually identifiable health information. This rule provides certain rights to individuals like the rights to access and amend their health information and to obtain a record of when and why their Protected Health Information (PHI) has been shared with others for certain purposes. Moreover The Privacy Rule sets certain conditions under which researchers can use the PHI when necessary to conduct research (What Are the Purpose and Background of the Privacy Rule?, 2007). The regulations with respect to the PHI is not made clear and even the hospital authorities donââ¬â¢t have enough idea about the PHI regulations. Thus they were forced to communicate the patient information or condition to the families of the hospitalized over the telephone even if the patient is critically ill. Many healthcare professionals lost their job because of the wrong interpretation of the HIPAA rules and many others forced to pay heavy amounts as penalties. Nurses who donââ¬â¢t have much idea about the HIPAA regulations are staying away from disclosing the personal details of their patients even when it is badly needed for somebody else who might be a close relative of the patient. Gross, (2010) has mentioned that HIPAA regulations place a large and expensive burden on companies who have access to private health data by adding to the workload of health care providers and others (Gross, 2010). As protection of privacy is taken as a serious matter in the HIPAA regulations, big companies and researchers were forced to take extreme care while using the private data. The HIPAA act thus raised many concerns and fear among medical practitioners in conducting research. The increased liability and unwanted expenses may force them to stay away from researches which will affect the healthcare system drastically. HIPAA also put some
Friday, September 27, 2019
Financial accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Financial accounting - Assignment Example In addition, through integrity, external auditors are required to avoid conflicts of interest when making their reports. In this way, their judgment will be imperative to the shareholders, directors, banks and other users of the audited reports. Question 2 One of the major factors to consider before investing in the biotechnology company is the profitability of the company. Through the audited financial reports, an investor will note the amount of profits and divided paid to the shareholders. In this way, an investor is at a good position to make an appropriate decision before investing in the company. Secondly, an investor should know the sources of finance adopted by the company. Companies that have wide range of sources of finance have a higher probability to survive in the current competitive business arena. Similarly, through various sources of finance, the concept of business as a going on concern is guaranteed since the company is financially stable. Another vital aspect that as an investor I will need to know is the management of the company. If the company has a strong management and auditing team and policies, it implies that financial position of the company is good thus guaranteeing high returns to the shareholders. Likewise, it is fundamental to have adequate information on the strategic plans of the company. For instance, if the company is focused at being acquired by another major company, it may result to an expansion of its services thus generating more returns. On the other hand, a company with unclear plans may fail in future thus making it unviable to invest in. Question 3 One of the recent major accounting scandals is the one that involved Olympus, a Japanese based firm that specializes in the production and selling of medical equipments and cameras. According to New York based prosecutors, Chan Ming Fon, one of the company executives was engaged in covering more than $1.7 billion losses thus providing false information to the auditors. The funds that were illegally acquired by the executives together with other seven employees were transferred to unknown financial institutions through the wire transfer. According to the FBI, Chan notified the auditors that the company funds were held in the form of Japanese bonds while in the real sense they were used to repay a loan through a firm that was under the control of Olympus. The whistle blower of this scandal was Michael Woodford soon after he was fired as British CEO in 2011. To prevent such a scandal, I suggest that auditors would seek more details and prove of all the information provided by the company. It would be also imperative for the government to intervene by bringing on board external auditors at the initial stages when the fraud was detected. Question 4 Taking into consideration that accrual accounting matches the revenue generated with the expenses incurred within a specific period of time, I would first take the bank statements that depicts the cash collecti on and payments for the first six months the period that my clients want to be audited. In the same way, I would separate the invoices and the bills that are covered in the first six months. This will be followed by comparing whether the sales incurred in the first six months are inline with the expenses incurred within the same period. According to accrual accounting, selling products on credit may result to future revenue streams that may affect the current financial position of the company (Barry and Jamie 11). To avoid this scenario, I would treat all the credit sales within the first six months as account receivables. For example, computers that were repaired
Thursday, September 26, 2019
CSR Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
CSR - Assignment Example The first element of CSR which is about people regards the social issues of Corporate Social Responsibility (Clapp and Rowlands, 2014). They include health and safety of the clients consuming the companyââ¬â¢s products, the safety of the local people from the gaseous emissions of the company, workplace conditions for the employees and provision of a fair level of leisure for the human resource of the company. The planet element of Corporate Social Responsibility regards the environmental issues. Issues under focus in this case is for instance pollution through noise from the production process of the company, congestion, climate change caused by the gaseous emissions of the company, management of the companyââ¬â¢s waste products, recycling and the use of alternative sources of energy like solar and wind. Businesses run for the only reason of making the profit. The Corporate Social Responsibility element of profit regards the companys role in making profits and increasing the value of the shareholders investments (Clapp and Rowlands, 2014). The blueprints that a company should focus on in order to best deal with the element of profit include the financial performance of the company, better investment decisions, human capital improvement, building business relationships and networks and the government subsidies. Conviction refers to the case where the company does what it feels is generally accepted as ethical and right and voluntarily contributes to the local community by doing philanthropic projects (Clapp and Rowlands, 2014). Examples of Corporate Social Responsibility activities that fall under the zone of conviction include building bridges, sponsoring schools and starting foundations to fund the education of the needy children in the local community. Corporate Social Responsibility activities that fall under the compliance zone are those that enhance the companyââ¬â¢s compliance with the law and the various requirements of external regulations. Such
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
World Trade Organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
World Trade Organization - Assignment Example à The WTO provides the framework by which governments create and implement legislation and regulations for domestic trade. It also provides a platform on which countries develop and improve trade relations (Buterbaugh, 2008). The Purpose or Functions of the WTO The main objective of the WTO is to assist in making the flow of trade smooth, free, fair and predictable. It does this by Administering trade agreements The organization is responsible for facilitating the implementation, operation, and attainment of the objectives of the trade agreements (Hajnal, 2001). Acting as a forum for trade negotiations The organization provides its members with a forum for negotiating their multilateral trade relations in accordance with the rules and regulations of WTO. It also provides them with a framework for which they can implement the outcomes of such negotiations as per the decision of the ministerial conference (Hajnal, 2001). Handling trade disputes WTO is responsible for settling any tra de disputes that may exist among its members. It encourages its member states to settle their disputes through consultation. Nations that feel their rights under the agreement are abused can report the dispute to the WTO. The organization can then interpret and analyze the agreements and make a judgment. It also assists its members in an understanding of the rules and regulations governing dispute settlement (Macrory, 2005). Reviewing national trade policies The organization periodically reviews the trade policies in order to improve transparency, understanding of the adopted policies and evaluate the impacts of these policies among its members. The review also acts as constructive feedback on the policies of many member countries (Macrory, 2005). Assisting developing countries in trade policy issues, through technical assistance and training programmes The organization provides provisions that encourage developed nations to assist trade of developing countries. Developing nations a re provided with transition periods to help them adjust to the more difficult provisions of the WTO. In addition, they are also given flexible market access concessions for their products (Macrory, 2005). Cooperating with other international organizations The WTO cooperates with other international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) to achieve greater coherence in making international economic policies (Hajnal, 2001). Taking a Trade Dispute to the WTO The world trade organization procedures for resolving trade disputes are very important in ensuring that trade occurs smoothly. A dispute only occurs when a member state believes that its rights are violated by another country as per the agreement made in the WTO.Ã
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Changes that have occurred in the last generation with regard to Essay
Changes that have occurred in the last generation with regard to personal and family finances - Essay Example When the man of the house lost his job, the wife would join the workforce, providing the needed income until the man found another job. In instances of divorce the woman, who previously wasnââ¬â¢t working, would get a job to support her kids. A stay at home parent provided the necessary safety net during times of economic distress.Poor saving habit is another danger to the financial stabilities of today's families. If parents with two paychecks saved the second one then this would act as a safety net. With the change in generation, there has also been a significant decline in savings amongst families. Parents are using the additional incomes on extravagant items for their children and themselves. An increased push for housing in decent school districts is responsible for the financial crisis faced by many families at present. This situation is as a result of a loss of confidence of the education system. The government should increase investment in the schools that the middle incom e took their children to. The increased demand for these so-called decent preschools and good colleges lead a rise in their cost. The extra income earned by the woman pays for this. It is a fact that two-income families earn more today than what a family with individual breadwinners used to earn a generation ago. The cost of mortgage, taxes, health insurance and daycare are higher than before. The net effect is that the discretionary income of today's dual-income families is lower than before.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Business Documents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Documents - Essay Example The development of a crisis management plan which should be consistent with a framework for crisis planning pertinent to the food industry as presented by Bednall and Gray (2000); where, as noted, ââ¬Å"crisis plans may include details of possible incidents or scenarios to test the plan before it is ever needed and togive practical guidance to those who have to use itâ⬠(p. 85); The proposed development and implementation of these plans would be within six months upon approval. The amount to be invested would be marginal as compared to the cost that would be incurred if the organization fails to prepare these plans and be subject to legal concerns that could ensue from food contamination cases, food recall, or loss of good-will. For your review and approval. Pursuant to the recent proposal to the Board of Directors to develop and design a Crisis Management and Communication Plan for Edible Delights Pty Ltd., I am very pleased to announce that the Board has unanimously approved this endeavor. To reiterate, one rationalized that the need for these plans are crucial in view of the disturbing news that potentially exposes food manufacturers, like us, to various threats, risks and vulnerabilities that could lead to serious food contaminations. The proposed development plan would ensue six months from the date of approval, which is today. As such, everyoneââ¬â¢s participation and collaboration in the solicitation of crucial information that would be used in the development phase would be cordially
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Power is Critical to Understanding the Difficulties Managers Confront Essay
Power is Critical to Understanding the Difficulties Managers Confront when Seeking to Manage Change - Essay Example Authority in a traditional organisation may be alternated for power but when organisational aims are not stipulated unanimously by those who matter in the organisational set up and adhered to by the lower ranks create power situations. Such situations may present dicey legal cover with given means of control as the response of juniors in the hierarchy may not be taken rightly when power is used. It could be planned involvement or distractive involvement. Buckley has provided a provisional definition of power as: ââ¬Å"Control or influence over the actions of others to promote one's goals without their consent, against their will or without their knowledge or understanding (see Grimes 1978, p. 727). An important feature of power is the stress on private aim orientation in stead of together-goal orientation. Power, according to Gamson, is ââ¬Å"potential partisansâ⬠, which can be defined as, ââ¬Å"that set of actors who for a given decision are affected by the outcome in a â⠬Ësignificantââ¬â¢ way, (See Grimes 1978, p. 727). The impact of partisans and the counter-impact of authority are normally named as power. Partisans attempt to impress upon the authority their side of the issue and its resolution. The notion of change is basic and concurrent in the thinking of management scholars on organisations. The literature on strategic change stresses on the need to adjust to the changing risks and opportunities of the new business environments. They also point out that such change is not recurrent in the occurred extent or direction required. Organisations need to develop this capacity for change to promote learning. There has been vast study on transformational leadership particularly and leadership generally that shows the seriousness of the topic for management purpose. The issue of change is more relevant also for practitioners, which is evident from the volume of books published on change management. Even then it is argued that both scholars and pra ctitioners do not possess enough knowledge of and theoretical mechanism for change. To an extent, this failure to propound a theory may be because of various established perspectives or mechanisms (Ford and Ford, 1994). Change agents play a critical role in an organisation by helping in transformation process. Change agents need to be on the right path to steer an organisation on the road to positive change. Some of the crucial inputs of change are depicted in the chart below (Evans, 2010). Power is the most critical ingredient of effective change. These leaders of change can be seen throughout the organisational ladder. These leading change leaders can be holding any position or power variable to become an instrument of change (Evans, 2010). Organisational change management problems are often not given due attention or ignored totally. In reality, people issues are responsible majorly for project failures. Causes of Project Failure The survey undertaken by KPMG analysed the causes of failed projects. The finding closely associated project failures with behaviours and expertise of the respondents, mostly related to the capabilities, behaviour and attitudes of participants (EPM Book, 2007). Discussion Mintzberg (1984) discuses the power perspective in relation to organisation life cycle in three strides: first by analysing relationships of power dissemination internally in an organisation, with that covering a classification of six assemblies of
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Are Cell Phones Good for Health Essay Example for Free
Are Cell Phones Good for Health Essay Talking on a cellular phone or living near to a cell site does not cause cancer, according to a report by the Royal Society of Canada. The society looked at GSM networks, mobile phones, cell site antennas and roof top aerials, on behalf of Health Canada. They did, however say that the existing safety limits for maintenance staff working on the cell sites, and should be revised to take into account possible damage to the eyes, due to the unique physiological make up of the eye. Upgrade handsets: If you are using too old handset, upgrade it to some recent handset which has released in last 1-2 years. Recent handsets use low power and take care of reflections to save battery as well as high radiations. Use standard handsets: Some cheap mobiles do not maintain standards. Always use handsets from branded companies. Cheap phones can be harmful to life. Use Bluetooth: Use Bluetooth headset/hands free to talk on phone. Bluetooth operates on low frequency. You can put the phone in back pocket. Use PC software: SMS chatting is most common in youngsters. Most of brands provide PC connectivity softwareââ¬â¢s; some 3rd party tools are also available. Connect cell phone to PC through Bluetooth, keep mobile at a distance and enjoy SMS. Use Flight Mode: Switching off and on mobile might be tedious when itââ¬â¢s not in use. Use flight mode profile of phone to deactivate radio signals, it will perform same operation as switch off but keeping other functions on. Avoid Mobile Internet: Get a wired internet connection for PC to use at home. Avoid using mobile internet connections (GPRS and 3G based). You will always find a cheaper wired internet option in this competitive market.
Friday, September 20, 2019
SAB Miller: Strategy Analysis and PEST
SAB Miller: Strategy Analysis and PEST INTRODUCTION SAB Miller is a South African brewing company and is the second largest brewer in the world, with sales and distribution across six different continents. SAB Miller with wide brand portfolio, both international premium beers to local brands it has come a long way, weathering turbulent times and political crisis. It is also one of the largest bottlers for Coca Cola. VISION AND MISSION OF THE GROUP VISION To be the most admired company in the global beer industry Investment of choice Employer of choice Partner of choice MISSION To own and nurture local and international brands that are the first choice of the consumer VALUES Our people are our enduring advantage Accountability is clear and personal We work and win in teams We understand and respect our customers and consumers Our reputation is indivisible CORPORATE STRATEGIES EMPLOYED BY SAB MILLER SAB Miller being one of the oldest (100 plus) brewing company it had tremendous experience in the brewing field and the strategies used by SAB Miller are categorized as follows: Political Acquisitions and mergers Wide portfolio Brand value POLITICAL SAB being oldest brewing company in South Africa it was battered by political crisis during the 20th century. It has emerged as a company with building its operations in emerging and mature markets. During 1948 due to racist system of Apartheid, there was opposition to the company. SAB also came across various other forces during this period they are: Business restricted to the country only Restrictions on doing business with international companies Investing in or trading with South African companies SAB formulated solution in order to comply with Government restrictions they were: In 1950, SAB moved its HO from London to Johannesburg. Focused on expansion mostly in southern parts of Africa and South Africa Dominating the local market and domestic beer production Expanding its product portfolio First company to employ the code of non-discriminatory employment In 1970 SAB became fully incorporated in South Africa and by the year 2000, it dominated the South African market to such an extent that 49 of every 50 beer consumed were brewed by SAB. IMPLICATIONS Due to the political conditions in South Africa SAB had very less room of doing business internationally, but these restrictions helped them to create a monopoly in South Africa. It owned a 99 percent market share here. It also incorporated its head quarters to Johannesburg, which helped it develop its market in Africa. Employing non-discriminatory code of employment helped it to gain public support. It expanded its portfolio by buying local breweries and started producing locally brewed Guinness, Amstel, and Carling black label. ACQUSITIONS AND MERGERS Due to the restrictions on local companies by the government, SAB had to settle in for the local South African market. Dominating the local market and eliminating competition was the goal of the company at the time and it was achieved by acquiring other local breweries and distribution facilities and by rationalized production. SAB also obtained the licensing of locally brewed Guinness, Amstel and Carling black label. SAB made major acquisitions immediately after when the imposed restrictions were relaxed due the finalized process for establishment of a multiracial democracy in 1990. SAB acquired Stellenbosch Farmers Winery in 1960. In 1993, SAB acquired Hungarys largest brewery, Dreher that opened new door for further developments into central Europe In 1994, SAB in joint venture with Tanzanian government it revitalized the brewing industry and also in countries like Zambia, Mozambique and Angola, SAB gave boost to production and distribution. During the 90s SAB established operations in China, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Russia, and Czeck Republic. Acquiring 100% stakes in the Miller brewing company in 2002 was one of the most significant acquisitions made by SAB and becoming SAB Miller in the process. Licencing of shebeens and launching them in retail mainstream. SAB Miller also bought out its joint venture partner in India. SAB Miller in 2005 merged with South American brewer Grupo Empresarial Bavaria. IMPLICATIONS OF ACUSITIONS AND MERGERS SAB controlled an estimated 99% of the market share in South Africa and had dominating positions in Swaziland, Lesotho, Rhodesia and Botswana. SAB was able to diversify their business through joint ventures. Due to fragmentation and small-scale business in Europe and Asia SAB was able to create profitable and fast growing business. Launched quality products than their competitors for which the consumers had to pay more. SAB promoted their premium brands. Developing countries have growing economies thus opening doors for attractive markets. SABMiller sends in both technical and distribution teams for inspection before it enters the market Scare of HIV pandemic cost SAB costly labor, decrease in productivity SAB business spread provided them with portfolio business With volatile market in emerging economies where in SAB incurred majority of its profits, it had indirect effect in confidence of SAB in these countries. SAB listed itself on LSE to give boost to its infrastructure. Share price drop by 15.5% relative to FTSE 100 in the year end Nov 2000 Acquiring Miller Brewing Company made it second largest brewer in the world. SAB could balance out loss in one country with profits in other countries. Expanding production capacity and raising the quality of product in India. Dip in share price of SAB Miller after acquiring Miller Brewing Company. Introduced new packaging with new sales and distribution system and enhanced the flexibility of their production facilities. SAB Trained around 6000 newly licensed taverniers in business skills. SAB introduced broader and segmented brands SAB gained strong and profitable market in South America; profits went up by 25%. PORTFOLIO EXPANSION SAB Miller brewing company is the second largest brewing company and has a wide portfolio globally, it has over 200 varieties of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, produced and distributed. The major premium brands are Pilsner Urquell, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Miller Genuine Draft, and Grolsch. They started their expanding its portfolio by gaining control over Stellenbosch Farmers Winery in 1960. Between 1960s- 70s it obtained license to brew locally Guinness, Amstel and Carling black label. In 1987, SAB acquired Lion Match Company. Re-launch of Miller geniuine draft with high end positioning of mainstream market. Launch of Peroni Nastro Azzurro. EFFECT Dominating the South African Market Leading match manufacture in South Africa Better market position Increase in sales Profitable production and distribution Capture of demographic market Competitive advantage on the world stage Improvised marketing, sales and distribution Annual report emphasized the importance broader portfolio in the companys corporate success. PEST ANALYSIS PEST analysis of an organization is an important part of strategic planning, as it looks at the external environment in which the firm operates. PEST analysis helps company to develop strategies. The factors taken into account are: Political Economic Social Technological Political Factors Under Political factors we have is the government rules and regulations on operations of a firm or company. For SABMiller the following factors apply: South African government regulations Crisis due to racism International dealing and trading restrictions Employment laws Economic Factors Economic factors include exchange rate, taxation, market growth trends, GDP, disposable income, inflation, production volume, etc In SABMillers case, the following apply: Volatility of the exchange rate in developing countries Economic growth in developing worlds Listing on LSTE Acquisition of Miller Brewing Company Sensible product pricing Production and distribution costs Resource and labor cost Labor unrest Social Factors Social factors include the demographic and cultural aspects, health and living standards, population shifts and so on. In case of SABMiller Change in consumption pattern Attachment to locally brewed beer Consumers becoming heath conscious Class structure Technological Factors Technological factors include new invention, improvised tools and techniques, communication etc. It can lower barriers to entry, can lower down minimum efficient production levels, and influence outsourcing decisions. In SABMillers case are as follows: Research and development World class Automation in developing countries Production and distribution expertise Technology improvements QA 1. Identify the corporate logics that SABMiller have adopted over the course of the case. As discussed above SABMiller has adapted various strategies in order to be a leading brewer, they are: Dealing with political rules and regulations Acquisitions and merger on a global scale Broader portfolio Business in developing economies e.g. China, India Repositioning and re-launching of products Buying controlling stakes in newly privatized brewery 2. Strategy a. Explain the strategic position that SAB finds itself in 2007. As described SABMiller has good strategic position apart from fierce competition by Anheuser-Busch. Dominating positions in South African and South American markets with good market share in Europe SAB has expanded globally especially in Central and Eastern Europe, China apart from Southern part of Africa. It has operations in over of 18 countries with 30 breweries, with capacity 30.5 million hectoliters capacity and 22 sorghum beer with 8.5 million hectoliter capacity thus can create major market in these countries. Though SABMiller lost the bid to acquire Harbin Brewery to Anheuser-Busch, it had competitive market in China with market growth by 6-8 percent per year. With wide portfolio, SABMiller was able to capture the demographic market. SAB was able to balance out loss in one country with profits in other countries. With growing economies in developing countries, there was increase in disposable income, which gave way for better market share and profits with attractive pricing. Even though SABMiller had a few problems with share price drop due to listing company in LSE and acquisition of Miller Brewing Company, stakeholders must have a firm belief in the SABMiller as it a FMCG company. The chance of losing share value is rare and with globalization of the company, the chances are high profitability and higher dividends to shareholders. Acquisition of the major breweries and winery has helped SAB in dominating as well as having monopoly in countries SABMiller had a strong and wide portfolio with launch of new products and attractive pricing, creating strong demographic market and flexibility in the system. SABMiller could use its world-class technology and operation expertise to develop market in continents and also SABMiller sends in both technical and distribution teams for inspection before it enters the market Africa Has around 99% market share in South Africa and dominates in the rest of Africa. Asia/E.Europe Has breweries is Asia pacific but with fierce competition and growth of market in India. Good market share in Russia, Romania, and Czeck Republic and with acquisition of Hungarys brewery Dreher which paved way for further developments in Europe. However, the future here remains uncertain until any major take over is carried out. Latin America Merger with Grupo Empresarial Bavaria 2nd largest brewer in South America consolidated SABMillers position. 4. Acquisition of Miller Brewing Company is the only major deal by SAB and becoming 2nd largest brewer, but has a tough time because of stiff competition by Anheuser-Busch. 5. SABMiller has a strong and diversified business with broad portfolio that will ultimately pay off as it creates a demographic market and flexibility in operations. 6. Joint venture with Grupo Empresarial Bavaria 2nd largest brewer in South America opened doors in Latin America, with lower investment and creating opportunities for itself 3. On the basis of your analysis, recommend the strategy that SAB should follow. In my opinion SABMiller must develop their markets is Asia i.e. in China, India, and Asia Pacific. Though the market remains volatile, the chances of profit making are high. SABMiller must look forward to acquire Harbin brewery in China, as the market growth rate is 6-8 percent per year. SABMiller must try acquiring majority stakes in Bavaria brewery, as there is growth in market. SABMiller can dominate the local market and develop excellent operations by acquiring breweries with low performance, but with dominating market share with its expertise in production, distribution operations.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Creative Play: A Royal Life :: essays research papers
Creative Play: A Royal Life LAUREN: Good after noon, I am lady Lauren and this is Lady Jadie. JADIE: 'Ello LAUREN: We are ladies of the royal court of beef-a-lot, and we do anything we like with our time. Being pampered royalty is so much fun. And we have our father king Edward to take care of the political matters, so we can spend our lives in bliss. JADIE: I personally enjoy painting, horseback riding and learning, especially languages. This whole "rebirth" movement is very intriguing. It all started back about 1500 or so, with people, for one reason or another beginning to learn and care about what happened to them. They realized that they controlled their own destiny. LAUREN: I feel the same, with all the new inventions, it possible to learn at an amazing rate. Moveable type printing presses, Indoor chamber pots, new dyes to make everything around very pretty. This is a very enjoyable time for me. JADIE: Yes, Yes, how true. Especially the pretty things. Our dresses are brightly colored and extremely detailed, as that was the movement in fashion of our time. These things are very expensive and only royalty such as ourselves can afford such a luxury. LAUREN: Say, do you know what's for dinner tonight? JADIE: Silly girl! Its what we have every night in the castle Ingvey, Everything! A feast of huge proportions. Bread, cheese, meat, fish, vegetablesâ⬠¦ all made fresh by the peasants this morning. Yes, what a glorious time to live. LAUREN: And you people (looking at the class) would you care to join us in our feast? THE PEASANTS LIFE: BEEF: This is what most of the people in the renaissance lived like, poor in spirit and in health. I am a day laborer, as is my friend Sonic. We awake at dawn and work in the fields till dusk. We return home to our wives and many children. Tonight is a special night for me, as I get to dine on meat, which is rare in my lifeâ⬠¦ but then again so is bathing. (smile) Typically we eat vegetables which our wives have grown in the meager gardens behind our houses. My personal favorite is carrots, I like carrots. (smile again) What about you? SONIC: Broccoli. BEEF: We are dressed in large, baggy pants, made out of cotton. Our shirts are of linen, and are large enough to keep us warm during those cold winter nights. The large baggy pants serve the same purpose, to keep us warm. We don't have enough money to buy the brightly colored clothes that our Queen, Lady Lauren has.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Goal, By Eliyahu Goldratt Essay -- Productivity, Bottlenecks
When reading the book The Goal written by Eliyahu Goldratt, there were many lessons that I learned in order to have a clear and concise understanding of a positive level of productivity in a company. To have a positive level of productivity there are may components that are taken into consideration. Understanding what it actually means to be productive and how to increase the level of productivity by knowing the actual goal of the company that is trying to be reached and the components that go into the process of being productive. There are many factors that contribute to the level of productivity and being able to identify these factors is the key ingredient to having a successful level of productivity. When trying to improve productivity for a company, one must first understand what it means to be productive and what it means to not be productive. Jonah classifies that, ââ¬Å"I have come to the conclusion that productivity is the act of bringing company closer to its goal. Every action that brings the company closer to its goal is productive. Every action that does not bring a company closer to its goal is not productiveâ⬠(Goldratt, 32). But when determining on what is productive and not productive, the actual ââ¬Å"goal of the company must first be determined. ââ¬Å" If the goal is to make money, then an action that moves us toward making money is productive and an action that takes away from making money is non-productiveâ⬠(Goldratt, 41). Alex has finally realized what it means for his company to be productive, but the key is to know how to see if the company is meeting the goal that is desired or in this case making money. There are certain measurements that ca n ââ¬Å" express the goal of making money perfectly well, but which also perm... ...ventory and operational expenses decrease. Once the constraint is determined, the five-step process is followed to find out how to fix or correct the restraint. From what I haven taken from this book, I have come to a conclusion that with a few steps, you can find a way to make your company productive and meet the overall goal of your company. A clear understanding of what your companyââ¬â¢s goal is and to be able to use this goal to understand what being productive means in terms of your company. Knowing the measurements that are needed to reach your goal. The ability to try new experiments and be able to brainstorm and talk together with a dedicated team of researchers that want to reach the goal and wont stop experimenting different processes until the end goal is met. Works Cited Goldratt, Eliyahu M., and Jeff Cox. The Goal. N.p.: Gower, 1989. Print.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Kamote tops Essay
Sweet Potato Leaves (talbos ng kamote) Sweet potato tops (kamote tops or talbos ng kamote) are the shoots and leaves of the sweet potato plant that contains protein, lipids, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins A and C. It is excellent source of anti-oxidative compounds, mainly polyphenolics, which may protect the human body from oxidative stress that is associated with many diseases including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It is relatively low in calories and has no fat and has the highest content of total polyphenolics among other commercial vegetables studied. Studies also indicate that it can also be used as a cure for diabetes particularly the purplish form. Research also shows that the nutritional content of kamote tops or sweet potato greens can counter attack the downfall of the platelet count of anyone hit by dengue fever by drinking its juice. It boosts the immune system of our body helping our bodyââ¬â¢s defenses against this sickness. The juice is also great for people with hemorrhaging problems like internal cervical bleeding and intestinal bleeding. It is prepared by boiling the leaves adding a little salt, sugar, or kalamansi to make it easier to drink. Since it is easy to grow, you can find these leaves anywhere and in the Philippines. In less than a month from planting, you can start harvesting the tops and leaves thus it is usually organic and safe making it more healthy and nutritious. While it is usually added as vegetable to dishes like sinigang, it can be eaten fresh in salads or with shrimp paste or fish sauce. It can be cooked in vinegar and soy sauce and served with fried fish (Adobong talbos ng kamote). It can also be sautà ©ed in place of spinach adding them to stir-fries or a replacement to another well known green in the Philippines called Kangkong.
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